Understanding Your Grades
Grading System and Grading Scale FAQ
- Does FAU use a plus/minus system?
- Yes; the registrar's office website has more information about the plus/minus (+/-) grading system and how GPA is calculated.
- What is the minimum passing grade for courses?
- The minimum grade for most degree requirements for business students is a "C.” This
- pre-business foundation courses
- business core courses
- major courses
- Gordon Rule Writing/Writing Across the Curriculum
- Gordon Rule Math
- minor courses
- Some electives and other university requirements may have a different minimum grade; speak with your advisor if you have any questions.
- The minimum grade for most degree requirements for business students is a "C.” This
- What percentage must I earn in my course to earn a "C"?
- View the syllabus for your course to see your professor's grading scale and speak with your professor if you have any questions.
- How do I check my grades at the end of the term?
- Log in to MyFAU and click:
- FAU Self-Service
- Student Services
- Student Records
- View Final Grades
- Select a Term
- Submit
- You can also view your grades by looking at your unofficial transcript (also available in Self-Service) or running a degree audit report.
- Log in to MyFAU and click:
Incomplete Grade Policy
A student who is passing a course, but has not completed all work due to exceptional circumstances, may, with consent of the instructor, temporarily receive a grade of incomplete (“I”). The assignment of the “I” grade is at the discretion of the instructor, but is allowed only if the student is passing the course.
The specific time required to make up an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor. However, the College of Business policy on the resolution of incomplete grades requires that all work required to satisfy an incomplete (“I”) grade must be completed within a period of time not exceeding one calendar year from the assignment of the incomplete grade. After one calendar year, the incomplete grade automatically becomes a failing (“F”) grade.
Grade Appeal Process
A student may request a review of the final course grade when s/he believes that one of the following conditions apply:
- There was a computational or recording error in the grading.
- Non-academic criteria were applied in the grading process.
- There was a gross violation of the instructor’s own grading system.
The procedures for a grade appeal may be found in Chapter 4 of the University regulations (.pdf).