KUDOS: December 2021

By Comms Team | 12/17/2021

Tags: Economics | Health-Administration | International-Business | Management | Newsletters
Categories: Accolades | Faculty/Staff | Research


Research Kudos

December Kudos

Jennifer Attonito, Instructor, Department of Management Programs/Health Administration, with co-authors, have had their paper titled, “Sociodemographic Disparities In Access To COVID-19 Vaccines Upon Initial Rollout In Florida,” published in Health Affairs, December 2021, Vol 40, No 12.

A HEALTH PODYSSEY | Podcast: Jennifer Attonito on Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout In Florida, by Health Affairs.

Christopher Boudreaux, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, with co-authors, have had their paper “Social capital and small informal business productivity: the mediating roles of financing and customer relationships," accepted for publication in Small Business Economics.  

Christopher Boudreaux, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, with co-authors, have had their paper “Entrepreneurial Accessibility, Endaimonic Well-Being and Inequality," accepted for publication in Small Business Economics.


Len Treviño, Professor, Department of Management Programs, was recently invited to be a guest speaker on the Academy of International Business' Frontline IB series. The interview took place on Dec. 13, and it will be available for online viewing next week.


